Friday, September 21, 2007
SBDYB RR block
Posted by
piney cq
1:36 PM
RMCQ rr block 2
Posted by
piney cq
1:23 PM
Pediatric Brain Cancer Wall Hanging
I have been writing about a special project that I am helping to coordinate for the Childrens Hospital. It is a VERY special wall hanging for kids in the pediatric brain cancer ward. Many folks from across the world are particapating in this endeavor and I am hoping that more will find it in their schedules and their hearts to join in! The quiltlets are 6 x 8 inches and embellished in an Under The Sea theme. They are then sandwiched with quilt batting, backed and seamed as a normal quilt, packaged up and sent to me. These quiltlets are going to be joined with free standing "fishie" creations at their tips! If you are interested in particapating, please leave a comment here or contact me via email at

Posted by
piney cq
12:47 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
More Charity blocks
Another block is completed for the Pediatric brain cancer center project!

This first block is Courtney Short Prudholme's wonderful block!

and the second one is Jill Phillips great contribution! These blocks are just so great! I can't wait to see em all together!
Posted by
piney cq
11:07 AM
RMCQ rr 1
Posted by
piney cq
10:47 AM
sampler seam 3
I am involved in a sampler rr, where the stitches for the month change with each month. Great practice and its a neat way to see different variations on the same stitch! I worked on three different seam and did a different twist (overall) on all of them. I really need to work on a bona fide sampler with the chevron so I can get more variations for reference..... tis one of my more favorite stitches!

Posted by
piney cq
10:31 AM
Monday, September 10, 2007
Susans block
Posted by
piney cq
11:33 AM
Beaded RR block
Posted by
piney cq
11:31 AM
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Signature stitches
I have been working with Janet Popish, who is on the CQ for newbies group. We thought it might be kind of neat if we had an embroidered "signature" that we could put on pieces to always be known for stitching. She is VERY efficient and already has developed her's... and here at long last is mine!
I for some reason like to stitch trees.... and willows have been a fascination to me of late, so I thought i'd give this a whirl. It's all of about one half of an inch big, takes just a few minutes to stitch and might just work! I'm going to keep on playing, but so far, i'm liking this one!
Posted by
piney cq
10:26 AM
Charity Quiltlets
I thought I would snag pics of all of the quiltlets that have been completed to date and share them with you! Each contributor will have their quiltlet which measures 6 x 8 inches, digitally signed with their name, state and country. I will then consolidate it and print that off to go with the wall hanging when it is donated.
As blocks are completed, I am not only posting them at CQI, but sending off pics to CQMagonline where we will be featured in the upcoming issue all thanks to Jo Newsham! She is such a marvel and I really appreciate her asking about this! I will be pushing the date for completion out to accomodate any interest that may be generated by the article! We have until the end of the month, so please be sure and send me a pic if you are working on something for this project!
All of them are so unique and so very special! I can't begin to express how very grateful I am to everyone that is and has taken part in this project! I am positive the kids will LOVE spending time looking at this quilt and that it will bring many a smile!
Posted by
piney cq
10:11 AM
Labels: beading, Brazilian embroidery, charity, cqi, crazy quilting